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Index News

A collection of news from our community

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Upcoming events

An events calendar available for you

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Index Reynosa Platform

A local platform to facilitate our interaction with you

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Index Reynosa Membership

If you would like to be an Index Reynosa associate you can contact us and ask for information. Our staff will follow up on your request as soon as possible and will send the necessary information

Index Reynosa

"The best for Reynosa"




Direct Employments


Competitite Worldwide Ranking

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IT Committee

The objective of technology is to eliminate barriers between humans and the world

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EHS Committee

"To understand the safety one has not to face it, but to incorporate it to oneself"

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Industrial Relations Committee

"Adding value to the operation with Human Resources strategic solutions"

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Finance Committee

"Participation, knwoledge, comunication, ethics and leadership, a committee where members count"

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International Trade Committee

"The strenght of our Committee is in the members participacion"

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Operational Excellence

New practices, new scopes, excellence for all

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We will send reminders of events that might interest you

You can check our personal data protection policy here .

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